domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Overview: Vincent Doherty's life (1909-1967)

Ireland, 1900
His parents, residents of Gurteen, an Irish village in the county of Sligo, emigrate to South Africa due to the situation of economic hardship of the time.

South Africa, 1900-1932
Vincent Doherty is born in Cape Town in 1909. His father starts the first concrete factory and a project of trams in Cape Town. His father dies at 47 and his widow takes charge of the family business. Vincent gets a civil pilot license.

United Kingdom, 1932
Travels to England and joins the Royal Air Force. He is sent to Singapore.

Singapore, between 1932 and 1936
Works as a RAF pilot. Meets Lorna Halliday who would become his wife. Lorna was a singer/dancer in a troupe from UK called The Bluebells.

United Kingdom, first half of 1936
Marries Lorna Halliday

Spain, end of August or beginning of September 1936
Without telling his wife, he travels to Spain and joins the international squadron of the Republican aviation based at the Getafe airfield, under the command of Andrés Garcia Lacalle. Despite being injured in the back and thigh during aerial combat on 25 or 26 September, he manages to land his Dewotine near to Cerro de los Angeles, two kilometers from the Getafe airfield.

United Kingdom, October-November 1936
Recovering from his wounds, he travels to the United Kingdom with the mission to recruit more pilots and buy military airplanes for the Republic. On 2 November he has a secret interview with the Intelligence Service of the RAF.

Spain, November or December 1936
He returns to Spain having recruited three pilots but without having managed to buy any planes. According to Doherty, he coincided with Ernest Hemingway. The North American writer arrived in Madrid in March 1937 so Doherty could have met him before leaving Spain definitively the following month.

United Kingdom, beginning of April 1937
He returns to the United Kingdom taking with him the collection of photographs which he would conserve all his life. He moves with his wife to South Africa

South Africa, between 1937 and 1943
He settles down in South Africa. Diana, Peter Jean Lacalle (Anya’s father) and Patrick are born of his marriage to Lorna Halliday. He enlists in the South African Air force as a monitor of pilots of Spitfire and Harvard airplanes.

North Africa, between 1944 and 1945
He pilots the British plane, the Spitfire, at the end of the Second World War

Klerksdorp, South Africa, from 1945
He sets up his own training school for pilots in Klerksdorp (now Matlosana)

Nyasaland (now Malawi), second half of the 1940s
He tries to set up a company of charter flights with a friend

Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), end of the 1940s
With another war friend, Jack Malloch, he sets up a company that organized tourist flights to Vilanculos and Paradise Island (Mozambique) and also the Victoria Falls. The legend of his great professionalism was that “he could bring a plane down on a handkerchief”. He was also the first pilot daring enough to fly passengers under the bridge which runs over the Falls.

Bechuanaland (now Botswana), mid-sixties
As member of Colonial Britain’s Development Office, he contributes to the creation of a farm for the breeding of cattle to provide meat

Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), 1967
He was running a Trading Station at Inyanga in Rhodesia when he developed cardiac failure and died in Bulowayo at St Annes Hospital on 31st December 1967, aged 57.

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